Bing Daily Trivia Quiz: thorny devil

Question 1: The thorny devil, pictured here, is native to …?

thorny devil
  • Australia
  • Uganda
  • Mongolia

Correct Answer: Australia

Fact: Despite its fearsome appearance, the thorny devil, specifically found in arid and semi-arid regions of the central and western parts of Australia, is a harmless creature that primarily feeds on ants. Specialized grooves on its skin collect water from dew or rain, which is then transported to its mouth via capillary action.

Question 2: What special ability do many lizards have when attacked by predators?

  • Turning invisible
  • Detaching their tails
  • Flying away

Correct Answer: Detaching their tails

Fact: This unusual ability is known as ‘caudal autotomy.’ Most lizards that lose their tails can grow new ones. The regenerated tail, however, typically lacks the original’s full length, color, and pattern.

Question 3: Which lizard is known for its ability to run on water for short distances?

  • Common basilisk
  • Spiny-tailed lizard
  • Horned lizard

Correct Answer: Common basilisk

Fact: When threatened, the common basilisk, native to Central and South American rainforests, can sprint across water for short distances using its strong hind legs. Its legs have long toes fringed with skin flaps. These flaps increase surface area and create a slap-like effect that temporarily helps support the lizard’s weight.

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