The following questions are from the “Microsoft Rewards Bing Turbocharge Quiz” for 7-11-2024. Let us know in the comments if you find the wrong answer to any question!!!
Gliding wonders: a quiz on flying squirrels
Question 1: What is the scientific name that encompasses all species of flying squirrels?
- Sciuridae
- Glaucomys
- Pteromyini
Correct Answer: Pteromyini
Question 2: Which of these is a primary food source for flying squirrels?
- Seeds and nuts
- Leaves and grass
- Small insects
Correct Answer: Seeds and nuts
Question 3: What unique feature allows flying squirrels to glide through the air?
- Patagium
- Feathered wings
- Helium-filled sacs
Correct Answer: Patagium