(Answer) Boundary Waters comprises roughly a quarter of which national forest?

[8-13-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz Question: Boundary Waters comprises roughly a quarter of which national forest?

The given options are:

  • Chippewa National Forest
  • Superior National Forest
  • Flathead National Forest

Correct Answer: Superior National Forest

Info: Established in 1909, the three-million-acre Superior National Forest is the largest national forest east of the Mississippi River. The Forest is located at the southernmost edge of the boreal forest ecosystem and is home to thousands of clean lakes, rocky landscapes, iconic megafauna, and colorful fall foliage. Over a million acres of Superior National Forest are set aside for the Boundary Waters, offering habitat protection for several animal species. The many canoe routes flow across historic land portages once used by Native American tribes and First Nations people. Bordered by Canada, Lake Superior, and Voyageurs National Park, there’s truly a superior experience waiting for you. (Ref)

All three questions from today’s Bing Homepage Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.

  1. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is a remote location in which northern state?
  2. Boundary Waters comprises roughly a quarter of which national forest?
  3. What is the Duluth Complex?

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