[5-29-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz Question: Hyalite Creek is just outside Bozeman in Custer Gallatin National Forest. Which state is this?
The given options are:
- Nebraska
- Montana
- Nevada
Correct Answer: Montana
Info: The Gallatin National Forest is a United States National Forest located in South-West Montana. Most of the Custer-Gallatin goes along the Southern border of the state, with some of it a part of North-West South Dakota. For many visitors, Custer Gallatin is a gateway to Yellowstone National Park, but it offers plenty of charms itself. Once two separate forests, since 2014 Custer and Gallatin have been managed as one, with a central hub in Bozeman. Stretching across more than 3 million acres, it’s one of the most ecologically diverse areas in the Rocky Mountain region.
Today’s “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz” has three questions related to Montana. Each question has only one correct answer and carries one point. The wrong answer does not earn any points. So, select only the correct answers.
All three questions from today’s Bing Homepage Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.
- Hyalite Creek is just outside Bozeman in Custer Gallatin National Forest. Which state is this?
- Montana is widely known as ‘Big Sky Country’ because it is sparsely populated and has few large buildings. But its official nickname is ‘The Treasure State’? Why’s that?
- A 1992 movie noted for its fly-fishing scenes was filmed partly here in Custer Gallatin National Forest on the Gallatin River. What is the film called?