Microsoft Bing Homepage Quiz Answers (Oct 27, 2024)

The following questions are from the “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz” for 10-27-2024. Let us know in the comments if you find the wrong answer to any question!!!

Question 1: Which town in Manitoba, Canada, is known as the ‘polar bear capital of the world’?

  • Churchill
  • Gillam
  • Morris

Correct Answer: Churchill

Fact: Each year, hundreds of polar bears gather in Churchill, waiting for the sea ice to form on Hudson Bay. This migration transforms the town into a prime destination for wildlife enthusiasts. To coincide with the annual gathering, Polar Bear International established Polar Bear Week.

Question 2: What’s the biggest threat facing polar bears?

  • Climate change
  • Disease
  • Poaching

Correct Answer: Climate change

Fact: For polar bears, the Arctic Sea ice is critical for hunting seals. As the ice melts earlier in the spring and forms later in the fall, polar bears are compelled to swim longer distances, depleting their energy reserves. The shrinking ice forces them onto land, where food is scarce, leading to malnutrition and lower survival rate.

Question 3: Where else are polar bears found in North America?

  • Alaska
  • Alberta
  • Nova Scotia

Correct Answer: Alaska

Fact: Polar bears in Alaska love hanging out in the northern coastal regions, especially around the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The state is home to between 4,000 and 7,000 of these creatures. Polar bears have adapted to the harsh Arctic conditions, using their thick fur to insulate against the extreme cold.

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