The following questions are from the “Microsoft Rewards Bing Turbocharge Quiz” for 12-5-2024. Let us know in the comments if you find the wrong answer to any question!!!
Meet Pesquet’s Parrot and test your knowledge on this vibrant rainforest dweller!
Question 1: What is another common name for Pesquet’s Parrot?
- Scarlet parrot
- Blood parrot
- Dracula parrot
Correct Answer: Dracula parrot
Question 2: What is the primary food source of Pesquet’s Parrot?
- Insects
- Figs
- Seeds
Correct Answer: Figs
Question 3: Pesquet’s Parrot is known for having a bald head similar to which bird?
- Falcon
- Owl
- Vulture
Correct Answer: Vulture