The following questions are from the “Microsoft Rewards Bing Warpspeed Quiz” for 12-26-2024. Let us know in the comments if you find the wrong answer to any question!!!
Explore the animal kingdom’s unique and amazing dental adaptations in this fun quiz!
Question 1: Which animal has teeth that continuously grow throughout its life?
- Beaver
- Shark
- Lion
Correct Answer: Beaver
Question 2: What type of teeth do herbivores like cows primarily have?
- Pointed incisors
- Flat molars
- Sharp canines
Correct Answer: Flat molars
Question 3: Which marine animal has comb-like teeth used to filter food?
- Great white shark
- Dolphin
- Baleen whale
Correct Answer: Baleen whale
If your quiz contains different questions, please post them in the comments along with the correct answers so others can benefit.