[5-29-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz Question: Montana is widely known as ‘Big Sky Country’ because it is sparsely populated and has few large buildings. But its official nickname is ‘The Treasure State’? Why’s that?
The given options are:
- It has rich mineral reserves
- It’s thought to have hidden ‘treasures’ from early outlaws
- It’s an Indigenous nickname
Correct Answer: It has rich mineral reserves
Info: Not only is it ‘The Treasure State,’ Montana’s official motto is ‘Oro y Plata’ (Gold and Silver). Those are just two of the minerals that were found in abundance and subsequently mined during the state’s early days. Montana’s name comes from the Spanish word for mountains. The gold and silver resources led to the creation of the state’s motto, “Oro y Plata” (Spanish for “Gold and Silver”). Gold and silver were only the starts, as copper and gemstones such as sapphires and garnets have also been mined here in abundance. Treasure State was the first nickname to gain widespread popular appeal. In 1895, the name appeared on the cover of a promotional booklet published by the Montana Bureau of Agriculture, Labor, and Industry. It also appeared on Montana’s automobile license plates from 1950 to 1966, and later again starting in 2010.
Today’s “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz” has three questions related to Montana. Each question has only one correct answer and carries one point. The wrong answer does not earn any points. So, select only the correct answers.
All three questions from today’s Bing Homepage Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.
- Hyalite Creek is just outside Bozeman in Custer Gallatin National Forest. Which state is this?
- Montana is widely known as ‘Big Sky Country’ because it is sparsely populated and has few large buildings. But its official nickname is ‘The Treasure State’? Why’s that?
- A 1992 movie noted for its fly-fishing scenes was filmed partly here in Custer Gallatin National Forest on the Gallatin River. What is the film called?