A palindrome is a sequence that remains unchanged when reversed, such as 121, madam, or level. To determine whether a string or number is a palindrome, take input from the user, reverse it, and compare the reversed sequence to the original. If both are the same, it is a palindrome; otherwise, it is not.
Here is a Python program to check if a given input is a palindrome:
import sys
def is_palindrome(value):
# Reverse the string and compare with the original
return value == value[::-1]
def main():
palindrome checker in Python
# provide a value as command-line argument
args = sys.argv
# check if user provided a value or not
if len(args) < 2:
print("no input value provided")
inp_val = str(args[1])
# Check for palindrome and display the result
if is_palindrome(inp_val):
print(f"'{inp_val}' is a palindrome")
print(f"'{inp_val}' is not a palindrome")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Save the above code as check_palindrome.py (or any name you like) and run it as follows:
python check_palindrome.py 123454321
Replace 123454321 with your desired input and the code will return whether your input is a palindrome or not.