+3 votes
in Databases by (74.7k points)
I want to find all movies an actor acted in, and for each film retrieved, find his/her costars in that movie. How to write Cypher for this query?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (359k points)
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Best answer

Here is the Cypher to find the list of movies Tom Hanks acted in, and for each film retrieved, it also finds Tom's co-actors

MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(films)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors)
RETURN tom.name, films.title, coActors.name;

The above query will result like this:

│"tom.name" │"films.title"           │"coActors.name"         │
│"Tom Hanks"│"You've Got Mail"       │"Parker Posey"          │
│"Tom Hanks"│"You've Got Mail"       │"Greg Kinnear"          │
│"Tom Hanks"│"You've Got Mail"       │"Meg Ryan"              │
│"Tom Hanks"│"You've Got Mail"       │"Steve Zahn"            │
│"Tom Hanks"│"You've Got Mail"       │"Dave Chappelle"        │
│"Tom Hanks"│"Apollo 13"             │"Ed Harris"             │
│"Tom Hanks"│"Apollo 13"             │"Kevin Bacon"           │
│"Tom Hanks"│"Apollo 13"             │"Gary Sinise"           │
│"Tom Hanks"│"Apollo 13"             │"Bill Paxton"           │


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