The remove() function is for Python list, and it does not work for numpy array. You need to use the delete() function to remove an element or elements from a numpy array. In this function, you need to provide the list and the indices of the elements that you want to delete as arguments. It returns a new array, i.e., the old array will not change.
Here is an example to show how to delete one element or multiple elements. I am using numpy where() function to find the index of an element and the isin() function to find the indices of multiple elements.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> aa=np.asarray([12,32,43,34,56,89])
>>> aa
array([12, 32, 43, 34, 56, 89])
>>> a1=np.delete(aa, np.where(aa==43))
>>> a1
array([12, 32, 34, 56, 89])
>>> a2=np.delete(aa, np.isin(aa,[12,56]).nonzero()[0])
>>> a2
array([32, 43, 34, 89])