[3-16-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Lightspeed Quiz Question: Which breakfast cereal was created in the 1800s?
The given options are:
- Wheaties
- Granola
- Life
- Frosted Flakes
Correct Answer: Granola
Other correct answers are:
- Grape Nuts
- Corn Flakes
- Wheatena
- Shredded Wheat
If your options are different, you can check the following list for the answer.
10 breakfast cereals created in the 1800s:
- Cream of Wheat
- Granola
- Granose Flakes
- Granula
- Grape-Nuts
- Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
- Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food
- Shredded Wheat
- Vitos
- Wheatena
“Crackle and pop on over for our snap quiz on breakfast cereal.“
You can find the answers to all four questions of today’s Lightspeed quiz by visiting the following links:
- Which of these is (or was) a breakfast cereal?
- Which fact about breakfast cereal is true?
- Which character is the mascot for a breakfast cereal?
- Which breakfast cereal was created in the 1800s?
Please comment if you find a different answer.