[9-13-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Supersonic Quiz Question: Which five terms are weather-related?
The given options are:
- Polar vortex
- Derecho
- Duodenum
- Inversion
- Convection
- Capillary
- Coriolis
- Celiac plexus
Five Correct Answers are:
- Polar vortex
- Derecho
- Inversion
- Convection
- Coriolis
If you have different options, check the following list for the correct answers.
List of 489 common weather-related terms:
Ablation | Landspout |
Accretion | Lapse Rate |
Acid Rain | Latent Heat |
Adiabatic | Leeward |
Advection | Left Mover |
Aerosol | Lenticular Clouds |
Aerovane | Lifted Index |
AFOS | Lightning |
AGL | Loaded Gun (Sounding) |
Air Mass | Longwave Trough |
Air Parcel | Lowlevel Jet |
Air Pollution | Macroburst |
Air Pressure | Mamma Clouds |
Airmass Thunderstorm | Mercury Barometer |
Airstream | Meridional flow |
Albedo | Mesocyclone |
Alberta Clipper | Mesohigh |
Altimeter | Mesolow |
Altimeter setting | Mesonet |
Altitude | Mesoscale |
Altocumulus | Mesoscale Convective Complex |
Altostratus | Mesoscale Convective System |
Anabatic | Mesosphere |
Anafront | Metamorphism |
Anemometer | Meteorologist |
Aneroid barometer | Meteorology |
Angular Momentum | Microburst |
Angular Velocity | Microclimate |
Anticyclone | Mid-Latitudes |
Anticyclonic | Mist |
Anvil Cloud | Moisture Advection |
Anvil Crawler | Moisture Convergence |
Anvil Dome | Monsoon |
Anvil Rollover | Morning Glory |
Anvil Zits | Mountain Breeze |
Arctic Air | Muggy |
Arctic High | Multicell Cluster Thunderstorm |
Arcus | Multivortex Tornado |
Aridity | Mushroom |
ASOS | Negative Tilt Trough |
Aurora Borealis | Nocturnal |
Avalanche | Nor’easter |
Back Door Cold Front | Northern Lights |
Backing Wind | Nowcast |
Ball lightning | Nucleus |
Barogram | Numerical Forecasting |
Barograph | Obscuration |
Barometric pressure | Occluded Front |
Barometric Tendency | Offshore Breeze |
Barotropic System | Offshore Forecast |
Bear’s Cage | Omega |
Beaver(‘s) Tail | Onshore Breeze |
Black Ice | Orographic |
Blizzard | Orographic Lift |
Blustery | Orphan Anvil |
Bomb Cyclone | Outflow |
Boundary Layer | Overcast |
Bow echo | Overrunning |
Breezy | Overshooting Top |
Brisk | Ozone Hole |
Broken Clouds | Patches |
Bubble High | Pendant Echo |
Bulk Richardson Number | Permafrost |
Buoyancy | Polar Air |
Bust | Polar front |
Ceilometer | Polar Stratospheric Clouds |
Celsius | Polar vortex |
Chinook Wind | Pollutant |
Circulation | Polycrystal |
Cirriform | Popcorn Convection |
Cirrostratus | Positive Area |
Cirrus | Precipitation |
Clear Slot | Pressure |
Climate | Pressure Gradient |
Climatology | Prevailing Westerlies |
Closed Low | Prevailing Wind |
Cloud | Profiler |
Cloud Base | Psychrometer |
Cloud Condensation Nuclei | Pulse Storm |
Cloud Streets | Radar |
Cloud Tags | Radiation |
Cloudburst | Radiation Fog |
Cloudy | Radiational Cooling |
Cold Advection | Radiosonde |
Cold Air Damming | Rain |
Cold Front | Rain Foot |
Cold Pool | Rain Gauge |
Coldair Funnel | Rain Shadow |
Collar Cloud | Rainbow |
Combined Seas | Rankine Temperature Scale |
Comma Cloud | Rawinsonde |
Condensation | Reflectivity |
Condensation Nuclei | Refraction |
Conduction | Relative Humidity |
Confluence | Retrogression |
Congestus | Return Flow |
Continental Air Mass | Right Entrance Region |
Contrail | Right Mover |
Convection | Rime |
Convective Outlook | Roll Cloud |
Convective Temperature | Rope Cloud |
Convergence | Rope Funnel |
Cooling Degree Day | Rope Stage |
Coriolis Force | Rossby Waves |
Corona | Rotor Cloud |
Cumulonimbus Cloud | Sandstorm |
Cumulus Cloud | Santa Ana Winds |
Cumulus Congestus | Saturation |
Cut Off Low | Saturation Vapor Pressure |
Cyclogenesis | Scattered |
Cyclone | Scud Clouds |
Cyclonic | Sea Breeze |
Dart Leader | Sea Level Pressure |
Debris Cloud | Secondary Cold Front |
Decouple | Sensible Heat |
Degree Day | Shallow fog |
Dendrite | Shear (Wind Shear) |
Dense Fog | Shelf Cloud |
Density Altitude | Short-Fuse Warning |
Density Of Air | Shortwave (Shortwave Trough) |
Depth Hoar | Shortwave Radiation |
Derechoe | Sleet |
Dew Point | Sling Psychrometer |
Diamond Dust | Smog |
Differential Motion | Smoke |
Difluence (or Diffluence) | Snow |
Dirty ridge | Snow Pellets |
Disturbance | Snow Shower |
Diurnal | Snow Squalls |
Divergence | Snowburst |
Doldrums | Snowfall |
Doppler Radar | Snowflake |
Downburst | Solar Energy |
Downdraft | Sounder |
Downslope wind | Sounding |
Downstream | Southern Oscillation |
Drifting snow | Speed Shear |
Drizzle | Spin-up |
Drought | Spray |
Dry Adiabat | Squall |
Dry Line | St. Elmo’s Fire |
Dry Punch | Standing Lenticular Cloud |
Dry Slot | Stationary wave |
Dryline | Steam fog |
Dryline Bulge | Steering Winds (Steering Currents) |
Dust Devil | Storm |
Dust Plume | Stratiform |
Dust Storm | Stratocumulus |
Dust Whirl | Stratosphere |
Dynamics | Stratus |
Easterly Wave | Striations |
Eddy | Sublimation |
Enhanced greenhouse effect | Subsidence |
Enhanced Wording | Subtropical Jet |
Equilibrium Level | Subtropical storm |
Evaporation | Suction Vortex |
Extended Outlook | Supercell Thunderstorm |
Extratropical cyclone | Supersaturation |
Eye wall | Surface Hoar |
Fahrenheit | Surface Pressure |
Fall Wind | SWEAT Index |
Feeder Bands | Synoptic Chart |
Flanking Line | Synoptic Scale |
Flash Flood | Tail Cloud |
Flood | Tail-end Charlie |
Flood Crest | Teleconnection |
Flurries | Temperate Zone |
Foehn | Temperature |
Fog | Terrestrial Radiation |
Fogbow | Thermal |
Forecast | Thermodynamics |
Fractus | Thermometer |
Freezing | Theta-e |
Frost | Theta-e Ridge |
Frost Point | Thunder |
Frozen Dew | Thunderstorm |
Fujita Scale | Tilted Storm or Tilted Updraft |
Fujiwhara effect | Topography |
Funnel Cloud | Tornadic Activity |
Gale | Tornado Alley |
Geostationary Satellite | Tornado Family |
Glaciation | Total-Totals Index |
Glaze | Towering Cumulus |
Gradient | Trade Winds |
Graupel | Transverse Bands |
Gravity Wave | Transverse Rolls |
Greenhouse Effect | Triple Point |
Ground Fog | Tropical Air |
Gust | Tropical Depression |
Gustnado (or Gustinado) | Tropical Disturbance |
Hail | Tropical wave |
Halo | Tropics |
Hard Freeze | Tropopause |
Harmattan | Troposphere |
Haze | Trough |
Heat Index | Turbulence |
Heat Island | Twister |
Heat Lightning | Typhoon |
Heavy Surf | Ultraviolet radiation |
Helicity | Unstable Air |
Hodograph | Updraft |
Hook Echo | Upslope Flow |
Hot Spot | Upstream |
Humidity | Valley Breeze |
Hurricane | Vapor Pressure |
Hydrologic Cycle | Variable Ceiling |
Hydrology | Veering Wind |
Hydrosphere | Vertical Shear |
Hygrometer | Vertically-stacked System |
Ice age | Vicinity |
Ice Crystals | Virga |
Ice Fog | Volcanic Ash |
Ice Jam | Vort Max |
Ice pellets | Vortex |
Ice storm | Vorticity |
Indefinite ceiling | Wall Cloud |
Inflow Bands (or Feeder Bands) | Warm Advection |
Inflow Jets | Warm Front |
Inflow Notch | Watch Box (or Box) |
Inflow Stinger | Water Equivalent |
InfraRed Radiation | Water Vapor |
Insolation | Waterspout |
Instability | Wave |
Inversion | Wave Crest |
Ionosphere | Wave Trough |
Iridescence | Wavelength |
Isentropic Lift | Weather |
Isentropic Surface | Weather Balloon |
Isobar | Wedge |
Isodrosotherm | Whiteout |
Isohyet | Wind |
Isopleth | Wind Chill Factor |
Isotach | Wind Shear |
Isotherm | Wind Speed |
January Thaw | Windward |
Jet streak | Winter Storm |
Katabatic | Wiresonde |
Katafront | Wrapping Gust Front |
Killing Frost | Yellow Wind |
Kilopascal | Youg |
Knot | Young Ice |
Knuckles | Zigzag Lightning |
La Nina | Zodiac |
Lake effect | Zonal Flow |
Laminar |
“Our quiz on weather is sure to be a breeze“
Today’s “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Supersonic Quiz” has three questions related to weather . Each question has five correct answers and carries ten points. The wrong answer does not earn any points. So, select only the correct answers.
All three questions from today’s Bing Supersonic Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.
- Which five are types of clouds?
- Which five are types of lightning?
- Which five terms are weather-related?
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