[6-26-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz Question: Which Manhattan neighborhood hosts the New York City Pride parade?
The given options are:
- Upper East Side
- Greenwich Village
- Financial District
Correct Answer: Greenwich Village
Info: The Stonewall Inn is in Greenwich Village, aka ‘the Village.’ When the first pride parade took place in 1970, that’s where participants decided to march, and it soon became a tradition to host the parade there. Greenwich Village is a neighborhood on the west side of Lower Manhattan in New York City, bounded by 14th Street to the north, Broadway to the east, Houston Street to the south, and the Hudson River to the west. Greenwich Village also contains several subsections, including the West Village west of Seventh Avenue and the Meatpacking District in the northwest corner of Greenwich Village.
Today’s “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz” has three questions related to the Pride parade. Each question has only one correct answer and carries one point. The wrong answer does not earn any points. So, select only the correct answers.
All three questions from today’s Bing Homepage Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.