[Quiz] Work and time word problems for 4th grade (set 1)

Welcome to Math Quiz number 29. These are grade (class) 4 questions based on work/distance and time. These questions test the basic understanding of work and time problems. Please do not use a calculator or online tool to answer these questions. Once you submit the quiz, you may see NA at the end of the questions. NA suggests that there is no hint given for that particular question. Have fun!!!

If it takes John 3 hours to mow a lawn, and it takes Jane 4 hours to mow the same lawn, how long would it take them to mow the lawn together?

If a factory can produce 20 widgets in 5 hours, how long would it take the factory to produce 60 widgets?

If Tom can paint a room in 6 hours, and Sarah can paint the same room in 4 hours, how long would it take them to paint the room together?

If a car travels at a speed of 60 miles per hour for 3 hours, how far will it have traveled?

If a construction crew can build a house in 120 days, how long would it take them to build 3 houses?

If a truck travels at a speed of 40 miles per hour for 5 hours, how far will it have traveled?

If a company can produce 500 units in 10 hours, how long would it take them to produce 1,000 units?

If it takes 8 workers 6 hours to complete a project, how long would it take 6 workers to complete the same project?

If a train travels at a speed of 70 miles per hour for 8 hours, how far will it have traveled?

If it takes Susan 4 hours to knit a sweater, and she wants to knit 5 sweaters, how many hours will it take her?

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