The distance from our home to Walmart is 25 miles. We drove for 10 miles, walked for 2 miles, ran for 5 miles, and then rode a bus for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we run?
The distance from our home to Best Buy is 10 miles. We drove for 6 miles, walked for 3 miles, and then rode a bus for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we walk?
The distance from our home to Best Buy is 15 miles. We drove for 10 miles, walked for 2 miles, and then rode a bus for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we drive?
The distance from our home to Best Buy is 12 miles. We walked for 4 miles and then rode a bus for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we ride the bus?
The distance from our home to Costco is 12 miles. We drove for 5 miles, rode a bus for 3 miles, and then walked for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we walk?
The distance between our home and Walmart is 12 miles. We drove for 9 miles and then walked for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we walk?
The distance from our home to office is 15 miles. I drive for 6 miles and rode a bus for 6 miles and then walked for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did I walk?
The distance from our home to office is 9 miles. I rode a bus for 6 miles and then walked the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did I walk?
The distance from our home to Best Buy is 20 miles. We drove for 10 miles and then took a bus for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance we covered by the bus?
The distance between our home and Walmart is 15 miles. We drove for 9 miles and then walked for the rest of the distance. What fraction of the total distance did we walk?