[6-11-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz Question: The name of this archipelago, Raja Ampat, translates to…
The given options are:
- Four Sharks
- Four Kings
- Four Islands
Correct Answer: Four Kings
Info: Raja Ampat, or the Four Kings, is an archipelago located off the northwest tip of Bird’s Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia’s West Papua province. It comprises over 1,500 small islands, cays, and shoals surrounding the four main islands of Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo, and the smaller island of Kofiau. Raja Ampat means ‘Four Kings.’ Legend says each of the four main islands of this archipelago has a king—and each king was hatched from a dragon egg. While the islands are ecologically diverse, we’ve heard no recent reports of dragon sightings.
Today’s “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz” has three questions related to coral reefs. Each question has only one correct answer and carries one point. The wrong answer does not earn any points. So, select only the correct answers.
All three questions from today’s Bing Homepage Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.