[5-22-2022] Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz Question: Which United Nations event is observed on May 22?
The given options are:
- World Zebra Day
- Earth Day
- International Day for Biological Diversity
Correct Answer: International Day for Biological Diversity
Info: The International Day for Biological Diversity (or World Biodiversity Day) is a United Nations–sanctioned international day to promote biodiversity issues. It is currently held on May 22. The International Day for Biological Diversity falls within the scope of the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nation’s International Day for Biological Diversity 2022 theme is ‘Building a shared future for all life.’ The observance promotes ecosystem-based approaches to cope with climate change, ensure food and water security, and maintain sustainable livelihoods.
Today’s “Microsoft Rewards Bing Homepage Quiz” has three questions related to biodiversity. Each question has only one correct answer and carries one point. The wrong answer does not earn any points. So, select only the correct answers.
All three questions from today’s Bing Homepage Quiz are below. You can find their answers by visiting those pages.